Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wonderful Handmades by Local Artisans

We have a very talented and all inspiring group of local artisans 
that are participating our "Gathering of Like-minded Souls." 
Here are the ones that shared photos with me!  :)

The following photos are just a small sampling of the wonderful 
handmade items that you will see for sale at the
Friends of a Feather Sale May 20th, 21st, and 22nd...

• Paper Mache' Birdies and Shadowbox Art by Lauri Meyers
• Folk art, unique shadowbox creations and pillows by Marilyn Gash
• Sophisticated and heartfelt handwrought jewelry by Julie Pishny

• Fun and quirky mosaic mirrors and frames 
by Mary Alice Henderson

• Beautiful stained glass garden spikes and 
stepping stones by Bob and Deena Webb

• Unique refashioned heirloom jewelry by Susan Mayer  


  1. Looks like some really fun stuff! Have a super sale!

  2. Can't wait! Lots of great new stuff!!
